Online Business

online internet business opportunity

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Internet and New Online Business Strategy

Fascinated by computers and the internet since 1987, I have constantly explored ways to utilize the internet in conducting business. Moving to North Carolina from Brooklyn, New York gave the impetus to the new strategy idea when I was in search for a new means of employment.

Thinking that being in a suburban/rural area where agriculture once flourished might be the answer I scoured the internet in search of what commodity produced here was in demand. Urea, a nitrogen fertilizer was the answer. From Mexico to Germany and all points in between it was in demand to help increase crop production.

After finding a company South of my Greenville, NC location, I found to my amazement that no US companies would talk to me. I was not big enough on their radar to even rate a glance. Then from one of the Agricultural trades I found a Russian company and COO right back in NYC where I had just left from. It seems as if the Ukrainian urea producers had place him here to handle their urea production inquiries, with his 30 years worth of banking experience and the best banks in the world all located in NYC.

We talked and with my familiarity of having worked with Russians in the satellite TV industry, I found the arrangement most productive. Now here is the innovation the big guys lack. What they were looking to do was find a computer savvy sales individual like my self, that would only look to put buyers together with the producers seller. The trick, to save having to globe hop all over the world to conclude large 150,00000 metric ton fertilizer projects, it was assigned to me to do it all via the internet.

This is the new frontier. The International Commerce Commission has set up all the rules for conducting business in this fashion. When your a real seller in the internet world, everyone can find your opportunity to fulfill their request.

Now the struggle is trying to convince the US producers this is the new way to conduct business. Why do I say this? All the foreign buyers look at my US address and figure I must have access to wheat, soybeans and all the other commodities the US is known to have in abundance. The stumbling block again? No US producers will talk to me to have their commodities exported.


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